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What causes head-on collisions?

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Every year, over 40 thousand people are killed in road traffic accidents in the U.S. All car crashes have the potential to be dangerous, but head on collisions are much more likely to be fatal. 

Head-on collisions stand out because both vehicles traveling toward one another rapidly increases the force during a collision. How do head-on collisions happen? 

Dangerous overtaking 

In some cases, overtaking a vehicle may involve temporarily using the opposite lane. This can be lawful and even advisable, as long as the maneuver is carried out safely. Careless overtaking actions are one of the leading causes of head-on collisions. 

Fatigued driving 

Fatigued driving often goes under the radar, but it’s very dangerous. In fact, fatigued driving accounts for approximately 100 thousand road traffic collisions every year. 

If a driver falls asleep at the wheel, then they are almost certain to veer out of their lane and into oncoming traffic, which makes a head-on collision inevitable. 

Poor visibility 

The winter months make driving tricky for numerous reasons. Not only do cold temperatures present risks, but decreased visibility can cause major issues. 

Fog and heavy snow can make it difficult for drivers to see the center line and recognise whether or not they are in the appropriate lane. Drivers will also be unable to see oncoming vehicles until they are very close. This is why it’s so important to maintain safe speeds during the winter months as well as using headlights and fog lights appropriately. 

If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to hold the other parties to account. Seek legal guidance to find out more about personal injury compensation.