After being hurt in a car accident in Minnesota, you should take several essential steps. Doing the following can help protect your rights.
Get law enforcement involved
You must alert the authorities after car accidents. They will do several things that can benefit you after being injured. They will generally perform a preliminary investigation, examine the accident scene, try to determine who was at fault, inspect vehicles and interview anyone involved and witnesses. They usually write a report that you can show to your insurance company. It may also be useful if you choose to file a claim.
Seek medical treatment
After being injured in a motor vehicle accident, seek medical treatment immediately. Don’t worry about the cost and hope the pain goes away.
Follow all instructions provided by the medical professionals. Document everything related to your medical care, including diagnostic testing, medical expenses, medications and physical therapy.
Say little to insurance companies
Be cautious when talking to insurance companies after a car accident where you were injured, even your own insurance company. It is common for insurance companies to contact injured individuals right after an accident to get a statement. Right after an accident isn’t a great time to provide a statement. You may still be traumatized. You may not remember pertinent details, and the pain that you’re in could cloud your memory of the incident. It’s best to wait until you’ve had time to process the incident before you go on the record with a statement.
It is important to be patient and realize that it will take time to heal. You must also be patient because the process of seeking recovery may not be complete until you have fully recovered.