Auto accidents in Minnesota are often unique in certain elements of a claim, and especially when the collision is reconstructed by personal injury lawyers. State policing agencies often do not have the manpower to thoroughly investigate accidents, and legal representatives often do detailed analysis for injured clients. This applies to rear-end contact as well as head-on or side contact between vehicles. And, one of the problems with rear-end contact in auto accidents is that many vehicles often have a third-row seat that leaves those riding in the back very vulnerable to serious injury.
Particular danger in third-row seats
Third-row seats were added to many vehicles during the beginning of the SUV and minivan manufacturing era that was driven mostly by consumer demand. Manufacturers caught on quickly with the new designs and included third-row capacity in SUV models just as with vans and Suburbans. The problem is that the designs were often crafted with minimal safety features included, as fuel mileage and profit margin were also major marketing issues. Motor vehicle accidents studies have shown that the lack of safety concerns in the design has resulted in an approximate 50% ratio of fatalities for these passengers.
Impact on injury claims
Other than the fact that fatalities are common in third-row accident cases, Minnesota motor vehicle accidents attorneys have also handled a significant number of cases where severe to catastrophic injuries have occurred due to the design. In addition, depending on the material case facts, defective product claims have also been more common. Whole damage compensation for those injured in the rear seat can often include negotiating claims from all drivers’ insurance carriers when it is a shared-fault accident.
It is often unwise to attempt to represent your own claim when being injured in a third-row seat accident. Your claim could be much more valuable than you realize. Call a Minnesota auto accident legal professional for comprehensive representation.