Sleepiness is a dangerous condition because it can creep up on a Minnesota resident without warning. A person may be performing their duties and tasks without issue, when suddenly, they realize that their pace has slowed, their energy has dropped, and their productivity is diminished. They may struggle to focus on the work in front of them and the completion of the responsibilities they have set out to perform.
While many people can stop what they are doing, take a rest, and then get back to their work, this is not an option for individuals in some industries. For example, truck drivers and other long-haul operators often must drive for hours at a time in order to meet their delivery deadlines and fulfill their driving commitments. When sleepiness affects a driver, they may not be willing to stop for much needed rest.
Because tired driving can cause accidents and cost victims their lives, hours of service regulations are imposed on some commercial truck and vehicle drivers. These drivers are required to record their driving and resting periods and conform to federal standards that dictate how long each can last. Drivers who violate these mandates can be penalized and driver logs can be used as evidence of sleepy driving when truck drivers cause motor vehicle accidents.
Tired driving is a problem for all drivers, but commercial drivers may be compelled to work through their exhaustion to complete their jobs. This can be dangerous to themselves and others on the roads with them. When tired truckers cause damaging motor vehicle accidents, victims may often sue for recovery of their losses.